Feel the love with our Valentine’s Day events on Friday, 14th February. Find out more >

$10 Credit On Us

We’re giving you $10 credit to use at any Applejack Restaurant or Bar!

Download our Applejack Loyalty App and enter the code ‘APPLEJACK10‘ to redeem your credit today.

Click the link below to download the App for Iphone or Android.
Create your profile by adding your email or linking your Facebook page.
Once you’re all set up, head to the voucher tab and enter the code APPLEJACK10 to load $10 credit onto your account. *credit will be valid for 14 days after code is entered.
Pop into the venue of your choice and pay using the App!


Terms & Conditions
  • $10 credit can be redeemed once at an Applejack restaurant or bar of your choice (The Butler Potts Point, SoCal Neutral Bay, The Botanist Kirribilli, Bopp & Tone, Forrester’s and Tap Rooms)
  • If you have already claimed $10 credit bonus previously, you will not be able to claim the above incentive
  • Credit not redeemable for cash.
  • Credit will expire 14 days after code is entered into the App
  • Guest must be 18 years +.
  • You will be added to the Applejack Hospitality Database.